COVID-19 Sample Essay

COVID-19 is a current issue we are facing nowadays. It has a high possibility in coming out as an essay topic in exams. Therefore below is a sample of COVID-19 essay which students can referred to write your essay.

COVID-19 Essay

    Its official, the Prime Minister just made an official announcement informing the citizens that the whole country is on lockdown . Dissapointed but not suprised . 18 March 2020 , the day Malaysia has started the Movement Control Order (MCO) for two weeks. There were many responses from the citizens especially on the internet as the phrase Movement Control Order is trending at our country . The people were accepting the order heartfully but most of them were petrified about the news engenders them to start panic buying at the supermarket.

      As we all know , the Corona Virus has been discovered last year at Wuhan, China. The outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has created a global health crisis that has had a deep impact on the way we perceive our world and our everyday lives. The virus spread like greased lightning as many country were already infected by this virus . The government really put their best foot forward as they announcing the movement restrictment as soon as the virus break into our country.

       The first two weeks of the MCO , our day going on as usual . Me and my family stay at home, following the government order as we were afraid to be contaminated with infected people . On the other hand, my phone were ringing nonstop because of the homework sent by my teachers , and we have no rights complaining since this is our responsibility as the student . I think this is better than the extra class though. Where we need to stay late at school studying , but our mind keep thinking about something else. Lunch , for example . I was working hard on our homework for the first two weeks , but later on everything just seems so wrong . I forced myself doing schoolwork , everytime laziness kicks in I willl remind myself that I am not born in silver spoon . And that one of the reason why I need to work my ass of studying for my SPM . To change my life.

      Two weeks almost end and again, our Prime Minister announce another two weeks for MCO. Since these restricted movement making people have to forsake their job , anxiety started to rose in my mother. It is all over her face , as if the the word CONCERN were written at her forehead . I know what she’s thinking about . She’s thinking about our financial situations . We were pinching pennies this month and try to reduce our expenses , and I hope we’ll be okay . I hope so. But sometimes, we need to look on the sunny side of the life . Since MCO , my mother were working on her small farm beside our house, planting some vegetables. Nothing ventured, nothing gain and my mother gain a good amount of vegetables from her farm.

       Its been almost 6 weeks since Malaysian are in lockdown . Its suffocating the fact that all of us need to stay at home without taking a fresh air outside our residents . Its tiring when you are on lockdown because of the stupid people that wont adhere to the rules , making the whole country in this miserable situations . Its upsetting when you have a lot of things to catch up in syllibus but you dont even understand a thing your teacher said on the online class . Its just , nothing. Thanks God , the percentage of recovered people increased , and the new cases of COVID-19 stay  two digits in seven days. A little progress is still a progress , right? I hope everything will be alright , our country , our study , our my family , our mental state , everything.

Watch the video below to learn how to write a good piece of essay for you exam:

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