Last Minute Tips for SPM English

Tips to Score SPM English

Many students faced difficulties in grasping an A ranging (A-,A,A+) scores. This would be simply because of the perception that English is a difficult language and only those who are really “proficient” in this language can score. I would love to highlight on the exact effective ways to score good grades in SPM English paper!

Paper 1- testing your comprehension, literature accuracy and summarizing compatibility.

  • Focus more on summary section (the easiest but many fail to reap the highest scores)- Learn, understand and apply the correct techniques on answering this section. Avoid the usage of overly bombastic words (might cause the meaning of sentence to differ from the original ones or can also negate the actual meaning of the words used). A simpler, precise and accurate words choice would be effective in aiming a perfect score.
  • For literature-related questions, it is very important to understand the story line of the novel (comprise of its moral values, characterizations, plot, lessons learned). The best tips for this section is to have in-depth understanding of the novel (the story).
  • The rest of paper 1 are more or like just requires your basic understanding of the language (GRAMMAR).
  • Do more practice (preferably 1-2 sets every day)
  • Try “soalan ramalan SPM 2018”, past years’ questions and trial question papers (every states-MAKE SURE TO COMPLETE KELANTAN AND TERENGGANU/SBP/MRSM).

Paper 2- mainly tests on your language proficiency, ideas stimulation (ways ideas are expressed and deliver in impeccable way) and knowledge agility (how vast your ideas are in entitling the essay questions). I would love to focus more on continuous writing (weighs highest mark).

  • Practice, practice and practice! Set goal to at least complete 3 essays every week.
  • For argumentative essays, read more articles related to technology, social media, parenting,social problems, etc. Try out all these essay topics:-

1) What are the effects of teenagers exposed to a bad environmental parenting?

2) How does social media affect youngsters in a positive way?

3) “Students should be allowed to bring electronic gadgets to school for educational purposes”. Do you agree or disagree?

  • For narrative essays, the most important elements are your language suitability, story in-line with the question, no squirreling of the story (students tend to make this mistake by using overly bombastic words or words that does not make any literal connections with the sentence in order to deliver something that is supposed to be understood by the examiner)

Watch this video for more information

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